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01 September 2020

Circularity goes Digital

Circularity goes Digital is an initiative that aims to launch an acceleration process for the adoption of the circular economy model by Italian companies through digital technologies and open innovation.

In an age when the transition to creating new business models is increasingly necessary, companies are called to rethink their strategies and actions.

It is necessary to reduce the negative impacts of the current economic model, such as the consumption of limited natural resources and the indiscriminate production of waste. It is also necessary to change perspective to migrate towards a new business process, able to overcome the rigid industrial models of “take-make-mistake” and to adopt a circular vision that aims to redefine economic and social growth.

Circularity goes Digital was born to respond to these needs. The initiative is promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, Cariplo Factory and Microsoft.

The initiative aims to map the most qualified innovative solutions, through the scouting of digital startups, and to spread a circular open innovation model to support the circular transformation of companies through new partnership opportunities.
