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10 August 2021

Fondimpresa: 20 million euros Green and Circular Economy transition trainings

Twenty million euros available to companies for green transition and circular economy training.

With Notice no. 2/2021, Fondimpresa finances shared plans aimed at training the employees of the companies adhering to the Fund, who are carrying out a project or an intervention as part of their activities

The training plan to be financed is dedicate to 2 areas:

  • Green Transformation projects or interventions, where Green Economy is an economy in which economic growth and environmental responsibility work together and reinforce each other, supporting progress in social development "(International Chamber of Commerce)
  • Circular Economy projects or interventions, where the Circular Economy is an economic model that aims to keep products and materials in use, regenerate natural systems and design out waste and pollution (Ellen MacArthur Foundation)

In particular, the total allocation for the Circular Economy area amounts to 5 million euros, for training plans that involve at least 60 employees of the same company or for inter-company plans that meet the training needs common to companies belonging to the same product category or to networks/supply chains organized around the same final product.

Regarding the Circular Economy area, the financed training plan must concern projects or interventions about the introduction of new strategies, products and / or processes or a significant improvement of those already existing, and which require, in one or more stages of implementation, the training of the personnel involved. In particular, these projects must refer to different phases of the Circular Economy:

  • Procurement of raw materials (e.g. raw materials from sustainable and renewable sources)
  • Design (e.g. eco-design, dematerialization)
  • Production (e.g. reduction of the consumption of resources, chemicals, waste production, "sharing economy" for the sharing of plants / vehicles / equipment)
  • Distribution / logistics (transports reductions and efficiency, "reverse logistic")
  • Consumption / sale ("on demand", "product as a service" models, life extension or end of life management)
  • Collection (improvement of corporate waste collection and storage operations)
  • Recovery / recycling (recovery and recycling of company waste, industrial symbiosis)

Applications must be sent, under penalty of inadmissibility, starting from 9.00 on 15 October 2021 until 13.00 on 30 March 2022 via the Fondimpresa IT system.

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